1st Summer School on Complex Fluid-Flows in Microfluidics
1st Summer School on Complex Fluid-Flows in Microfluidics
10th - 14th July, 2017
Porto (Portugal)
The course schedule will be updated regularly and at this moment i can be subject of changes. It will be a 5-days course and each day will be fully dedicated to a single unit (6h/day):
10/07/2017 - Complex fluids and rheometry in microfluidics
09:00-10:30 - Slot 1 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Francisco J. Galindo-Rosales @B032
11:00-12:30 - Slot 2 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Francisco J. Galindo-Rosales @B032
14:00-15:30 - Slot 3 - Patrick Abgrall (Formulaction) @B032
16:00-17:30 - Slot 4 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Hands on @B032
16:00-16:30 - Alberto Ponce-Torres: “Anomalous behavour of a viscoelastic pendant drop”
16:30-17:00 - F.J. Galindo-Rosales: “Microfluidic rheo-inforced composites”
17:00-17:30 - Arif Z. Nelson: “Design of yield-stress fluids: A rheology-to-structure inverse problem”
11/07/2017 - Microfabrication techniques in microfluidics devices
09:00-10:30 - Slot 1 - Susana Cardoso de Freitas @B032
11:00-12:30 - Slot 2 - Susana Cardoso de Freitas @B032
14:00-15:30 - Slot 3 - Hands on - Sebastien Cargou (BlackHole Lab) @B032
16:00-17:30 - Slot 4 - Hands on Hands on @B032
16:00-16:30 - Mónica Silva: “Cleaning of medical devices with microslugs”
16:30-17:30 - Susana Cardoso de Freitas
12/07/2017 - Fluid-Flow characterization in microfluidics
09:00-10:30 - Slot 1 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Laura Campo-Deaño @B032
11:00-12:00 - Slot 2 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Laura Campo-Deaño @B032
12:00-12:30 - Slot 2 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Hands on @B032
Emilio J. Vega: “Understanding the suppression of prompt splash with polymer additives”
14:00-15:30 - Slot 3 - Hands on - Sebastien Cargou (Elveflow) @B032
16:00-17:30 - Slot 4 - Hands on - Laura Campo-Deaño @E103
13/07/2017 - Numerical simulations of complex fluid-flows at microscales
09:00-10:30 - Slot 1 [LIVE WEBCAST] - A.M. Afonso @B032
11:00-12:30 - Slot 2 [LIVE WEBCAST] - A.M. Afonso @B032
14:00-15:30 - Slot 3 - Hands on
14:00-14:30 - [LIVE WEBCAST] Cássio Oishi: “Numerical solution of viscoelastic multiphase flows” @B032
14:30-15:30 - A.M. Afonso @B201
16:00-17:30 - Slot 4 - Hands on
16:00-16:30 - [LIVE WEBCAST] Lucas Ribeiro de Azevedo: “An open source "strong" non-Newtonian FSI solver implementation” @B032
16:30-17:30 - A.M. Afonso @B201
14/07/2017 - Numerical optimization in microfluidics
09:00-10:30 - Slot 1 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Kristian E. Jensen @B032
11:00-12:30 - Slot 2 [LIVE WEBCAST] - Kristian E. Jensen @B032
14:00-15:30 - Slot 3 - Hands on - Kristian E. Jensen @B201
16:00-17:30 - Slot 4 - Hands on - Kristian E. Jensen @B201
Download your timely updated version of the timetable: iCAL / HTML / PDF
The afternoon sessions will be a sort of hands-on/clinic workshop, that is, selected participants will expose in a 10/20 minutes presentation about their practical problems related to the unit of the day, which will be analyzed and they will receive feedback from the professors and the rest of the participants. The submission of an abstract explaining the problem to be presented is therefore encouraged at the moment of the registration (deadline 30/06/2017).
Last update 07/07/2017